Friday, April 22, 2011

The Importance of Technology in Health Care

          One of the major aspects of Health Care, like many other things in our society today, is technology.  Technology plays a very important role in many things we do and helps the human race make important advances in the way we do things. For example, without technology in Health Care we would not be able to detect diseases or view organs, bones, or muscles without operating.  To name some technological medical devices, there are:
-          Ultra sound machine ( diagnostic imaging machine used to visualize  internal body structures  like muscles, bones, organs, ect)
-          Electronic thermometers (A thermometer that uses electronic circuitry to detect temperature-induced changes in a thermal element and display the corresponding temperature in a digital form )
-          X-Ray Machine (An X-ray generator is a device used to generate X-rays. These devices are commonly used by radiographers to acquire an x-ray image of the inside of the body)
-          MRI’s (magnetic resonance imaging: the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images)
-          CAT Scan (An X-ray image made using computerized axial tomography)
-          Angiography (Examination by X-ray of blood or lymph vessels, carried out after introduction of a radiopaque substance)
-          ECG (electrocardiography)  (The measurement of electrical activity in the heart and the recording of such activity as a visual trace (on paper or on an oscilloscope screen), using electrodes placed on the skin of the limbs and chest)

      As you know I’m sure, that without technology it would be much more challenging for doctors to detect things like diseases, damaged bones or muscles, or cancers.  Treatments and diagnostics would have to be based on mainly guesswork, judging from only external appearance. Technology such as X-ray machines, MRI’s, CAT scans, and angiographies enable doctors to view a person’s internal organs that make up the circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems , and detect any abnormalities or dangers. Without these devices we would not be able to detect things such as cancer early enough to provide treatment or comfort. Therefore, technology, as stated above, is a vital aspect of healthcare and people all over the world, including Canadians, have made numerous contributions to this technology. For example, one of the most noted Canadian contributions to health care was in when 1992; Frederick Banting and Charles Best at the University of Toronto discovered a way to treat diabetes (using Insulin).

When researching the importance of various technologies involving health I came across an intriguing article about how in December of this year the first MRI diagnostic imaging scanner was installed in Gander, Newfoundland. ( The article discussed how the “The opening of the MRI suite in Gander will ensure that residents in the central region of the province have access to important diagnostic procedures without having to travel long distances.”  It basically discussed and pointed out how important it is for people to have access to advanced technological health care equipment and how fortunate, we as Canadians are, to have such a good health care system. 
        Overall I believe that everyone can agree, that without technology in health care, we would not have such advanced medical procedures, we wouldn’t be able to detect illnesses or disease in early stages, we wouldn’t be able to search and experiment with cures, and we wouldn’t have the wonderful understanding that we do today of the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system in the human body!
-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan)               
-Tests & Procedures Angiography - Procedure Information Cerebral Angiography
-Electrocardiogram (ECG)         
-MRI scanner installed in Gander Newfoundland        
Blogs I commented on!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, I really enjoyed reading your blog. I strongly agree with you on the fact that technology plays a large role in many things we do, and as you also stated helps the human race. I also agree with you on the fact that technology is crucial in identifying and diagnosing diseases. Operations can be risky and can have serious consequences if not carried out properly. Therefore technology allows us to diagnose patients without having to cause them any harm, which is very important in the healthcare field.

  3. Hey Melissa! I like how near the end of your blog you said that this technology not only is used to help treat medical problems, but also allows us to explore what we cannot see. Without any of these imaging techniques we'd have to cut people open everytime we wanted to see whats going on. Great blog!

  4. Loved your blog Melissa! I liked how you listed different types of medical technologies and their functions. After talking about how important technology is when it comes to medicine, you included an article, which I was very fond of. Technology does play an important role in medicine, excellent blog!

  5. nice work Mel! I really enjoyed your blog. Its crazy to see how much technology is used for our health care. I like the points you made about seeing whats wrong with people internally. without all this technology it wouldn't be so easy to determine what exactly is wrong with a person, which could lead to worse things if the problem inst treated right away. Really great job :D
