Friday, April 22, 2011

The Importance of Technology in Health Care

          One of the major aspects of Health Care, like many other things in our society today, is technology.  Technology plays a very important role in many things we do and helps the human race make important advances in the way we do things. For example, without technology in Health Care we would not be able to detect diseases or view organs, bones, or muscles without operating.  To name some technological medical devices, there are:
-          Ultra sound machine ( diagnostic imaging machine used to visualize  internal body structures  like muscles, bones, organs, ect)
-          Electronic thermometers (A thermometer that uses electronic circuitry to detect temperature-induced changes in a thermal element and display the corresponding temperature in a digital form )
-          X-Ray Machine (An X-ray generator is a device used to generate X-rays. These devices are commonly used by radiographers to acquire an x-ray image of the inside of the body)
-          MRI’s (magnetic resonance imaging: the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images)
-          CAT Scan (An X-ray image made using computerized axial tomography)
-          Angiography (Examination by X-ray of blood or lymph vessels, carried out after introduction of a radiopaque substance)
-          ECG (electrocardiography)  (The measurement of electrical activity in the heart and the recording of such activity as a visual trace (on paper or on an oscilloscope screen), using electrodes placed on the skin of the limbs and chest)

      As you know I’m sure, that without technology it would be much more challenging for doctors to detect things like diseases, damaged bones or muscles, or cancers.  Treatments and diagnostics would have to be based on mainly guesswork, judging from only external appearance. Technology such as X-ray machines, MRI’s, CAT scans, and angiographies enable doctors to view a person’s internal organs that make up the circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems , and detect any abnormalities or dangers. Without these devices we would not be able to detect things such as cancer early enough to provide treatment or comfort. Therefore, technology, as stated above, is a vital aspect of healthcare and people all over the world, including Canadians, have made numerous contributions to this technology. For example, one of the most noted Canadian contributions to health care was in when 1992; Frederick Banting and Charles Best at the University of Toronto discovered a way to treat diabetes (using Insulin).

When researching the importance of various technologies involving health I came across an intriguing article about how in December of this year the first MRI diagnostic imaging scanner was installed in Gander, Newfoundland. ( The article discussed how the “The opening of the MRI suite in Gander will ensure that residents in the central region of the province have access to important diagnostic procedures without having to travel long distances.”  It basically discussed and pointed out how important it is for people to have access to advanced technological health care equipment and how fortunate, we as Canadians are, to have such a good health care system. 
        Overall I believe that everyone can agree, that without technology in health care, we would not have such advanced medical procedures, we wouldn’t be able to detect illnesses or disease in early stages, we wouldn’t be able to search and experiment with cures, and we wouldn’t have the wonderful understanding that we do today of the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system in the human body!
-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan)               
-Tests & Procedures Angiography - Procedure Information Cerebral Angiography
-Electrocardiogram (ECG)         
-MRI scanner installed in Gander Newfoundland        
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Monday, January 3, 2011

Differences Matter; Sustainable Over Industrial : A Little Pest Creats A Lot of Damage!

 The lodge pole pine, also known as the Pinus Contorta or Shore Pine, is a common tree in western North America. Like all pines it is an evergreen tree.
The lodge pole pine is a very popular species that humans have numerous uses for.
Today this species is in a very high demand. Because of this high demand the trees are heavily farmed throughout the province of British Colombia. The same species of trees are grown, harvested, and then re-planted.  This is a significant example of Industrial agriculture because it is an industrialized production of this tree (or crop) to meet the high demand of our ever growing population for this specific type of wood. It overlooks the well being and balance of forest ecosystems and completely eliminates the concept of biodiversity.
                Industrial agriculture has many negative consequences. For example, the industrial agriculture of the lodge pole pine has resulted in a lack of biodiversity, and a therefore vulnerability to pests.  The Mountain Pine beetle, also known as the Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins has posed as a huge threat to this type of tree. The beetle is about the size of a grain of rice, is dark colored, and lives most of its life in trees. Their lives are shorter than a year and they lay eggs in trees and over time they hinder the tees ability to draw water and nutrients.   Numerous epidemics have occurred over time and this species cause mortality of large numbers of trees. Major outbreaks have occurred in southwestern Alberta in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Outbreaks have also consistently occurred in British Colombia over the last several decades.
The beetles have destroyed millions of pine trees (over 400 square kilometres) leaving once forested areas barren. At the current rate, 80% of mature pine trees in B.C. will be dead by 2013. The Lodge pole pine, B.C.'s most commercially harvested tree, as stated above, has been especially targeted which has led to millions of dollars in losses. The trees are being so dramatically affected because they are all the exact same. There is no diversity and therefore the beetle affects the species of trees in all the same way, which results in enormous epidemics with devastating results.
                                What is the solution to this problem? Simple, it’s Sustainable agriculture over Industrial Agriculture. Sustainable agriculture refers to the ability of a farm to produce product indefinitely, without causing irreversible damage to ecosystem health. Meaning instead of farming and re-farming the exact same tree over and over again for human use, farmers should attempt to plant numerous diverse species in order to maintain balanced ecosystems in forests. This would result in the many unique trees that would most likely be able to resist the negative effects of the mountain pine beetle.
In conclusion, In order to have a prosperous future involving nature and our environment we need to make the correct choice, which is sustainable over industrial.


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·         Claudia’s:
·          Carmina :

Monday, November 15, 2010

Designer Babies; Are we taking Science too far?


I understand that some people feel the need to acquire designer shoes, jeans, bags, ECT; but in society today we have taken this term to a whole new level, in the form of designer babies.  A Designer baby!? Babies are living beings so how can they be designer? No worries, I’ll inform you ASAP, before you start in visioning a new born baby with a Versace or Dolce&Gabbana logo stamped on its forehead.
                A Designer Baby, by formal definition is, a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics.”  Meaning, it is a child whose genes were modified in the process of their creation in order to prevent a certain disease or disable. Or a child was scientifically created in order to provide genes for another human or child with a disease or disability. (For example, providing a bone marrow or being a blood donor for a sibling with a blood disease).  How this process works is an embryo is created by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Genetic engineers modify the embryo’s DNA and then put inside the mother’s womb.
        Designer Babies are a phenomenal advance in the scientific world. I completely support the use of science in saving lives but this is a very touchy subject and there are very controversial ethnic and social views.  For example, if the science is being used to create a child who will be free from a genetic disease than that seems morally correct because we are using science to ensure the child’s health, and no other living beings are involved. However when a child is specifically created to provide a sibling with medical support, we must realize that this child is not being created out of love , it is being created for a purpose , and that is something that child will have to live with their whole life.   If a designer baby is being created in order to ensure it has a certain eye colour, height, athletic ability, intelligence capability, ECT, then I completely disagree with this. It would start many social and ethnic conflicts because this people who were genetically enhanced may think of themselves as superiors to others and the discrimination against people who have disabilities may increase. Additionally, this child that is being enhanced will one day discover this and may be upset with the choice the parents made for them.
        In conclusion, Designer Babies can be positively utilized in certain situations, however in most circumstances I believe we may be taking the science too far and starting too many controversies revolving social, ethnic, and moral implications.  So maybe before someone decides to genetically enhance their baby, they should ask themselves this, am I ordering a new pair of jeans or shoes? Or am I creating a living being that I will love for the rest of my life?  

·         “Design-A-Baby?”  Bionet, Explore Life Sciences and Debate the Issue.  Nov. 15, 10.
·         “On the Path to Creating Designer Babies”.  Impact Lab, A Laboratory of the future human experience. Nov. 15, 10
·         “Designer Babies.”  Reader’s Digest. Nov. 15/10
·         “Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations.”  Action Bio Science. Nov. 15, 10
·         “Doctor Makes Designer Baby, Would God be Happy.”  Naked with Socks On. Nov. 15, 10
·         “Fertility Clinic Offers Designer Babies.”  Strollerderby, the Mother of all Parenting Blogs. Nov. 15, 10
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Humans Helping Grizzlies

David Suzuki- Founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, 1990

One of the most well known environmental organizations in Canada is the David Suzuki Foundation.  This is an organization that works hard to protect and maintain the well being of our planet. It wasfounded by David Suzuki in 1990. The David Suzuki Foundation works hard to protect all living things on our planet. In particular, an endangered species that they’re currently attempting to protect is the grizzly bear.
The grizzly bear’s population has been decreasing because of habitat loss, climate change, the decrease in population of salmon, and hunting. The grizzly bear  has a very large impact on the biodiversity of the ecosystem it lives in.  It is known as the “keystone” species because it greatly influences the diversity of other species that inhabit the same ecosystem it does.  The grizzlies do this by eating berries and insects and distributing seeds all over the ground to promote a variety of plant life, also by digging in the forests they help maintain the goodness of the soil. Additionally by eating salmon they spread nitrogen and other elements up streams into other habitats. Most importantly the grizzly bear is the top predator in the ecosystem and therefore has a very direct influence on the other livings in lower levels of the food chain. ( affecting the overall balance of the ecosystem)  For these reasons, grizzly bears are a species worth protecting. To help sustain the well being of grizzly bears we need to protect a lot of land, because of the large space they need to survive.  By doing this humans will protect many other plant and animal species in the area.
Grizzly Bears fishing for Salmon
Now you may be wondering how exactly humans are positively affecting these grizzly bears?  What are we doing to protect these magnificent creatures? Well, the David Suzuki Foundation has worked hard on raising awareness on this serous issue.  They’ve done this by not only listing numerous articles about the importance and endangerment of grizzlies on their website but they have provided people with very important facts, about the importance of the bears. Another thing the David Suzuki Foundation is doing is they are promoting a law against trophy hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia. They are doing this by raising awareness, and by having a petition you can join right from the website.  Other organizations that are working to protect the biodiversity of ecosystems that grizzly bears dwell in are the Wildlife Conservation Society, who helps the species by tagging bears to monitor their migration patterns and dwelling places and working to protect their habitats,  and The Grizzly People , which is a foundation strictly dedicated to help sustain the grizzly bear population.  In conclusion, grizzly bears are a very important species that contribute to the biodiversity of any ecosystem they live in. Therefore it is of the upmost importance that humans work hard to protect the grizzly bear and the ecosystems they inhabit.

Grizzly Bear foraging for berries

" Grizzly People."  Website. 6 Oct, 2010.  <>

" The Grizzly Bear." Wildlife Conservation Society. Website. 6 Oct, 2010.
" The Grizzly Story" The Vital Ground Foundation. Website. 6 Oct, 2010. <>
" Grizzly Bears" The David Suzuki Foundation. Website. 6 Oct, 2010.  <>
" Biology in your Backyard" USGS Science for a changing world. Website. 6 Oct, 2010.  < >
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